Swisscom relies on deutherm technology

The Swiss telecommunications market leader Swisscom recently opted for the energy-efficient deutherm cooling solutions. The press release stated:

"Swisscom wants to increase energy efficiency by 30 per cent by the end of 2020. The "Levante" project represents another milestone for Swisscom in its bid to lower electricity consumption. Flexibox – a product made by deutherm – is the equipment chosen by Swisscom to cool its technical infrastructure in mobile base stations by using external air instead of air conditioning systems. This makes it possible to reduce the consumption of electricity for cooling by around 90 per cent. Swisscom has fitted the new system in around 20 stations so far, with another 460 set to follow. These retrofits will enable Swisscom to save approximately 3.5 GWh of electricity annually. This equates to the consumption of around 800 households. It also does away with the need for cooling agents which are harmful to the environment. The "Levante" project will not only be kind to the environment, however: as well as saving on energy costs, doing without expensive air conditioning systems will also lower maintenance costs. (...)

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